Hay Mulching Vs Straw Mulching: Why Use Straw for Mulching?

Hay vs straw as mulching material why use straw mulching

Most serious gardeners know how much mulching is important for healthy gardening. As mulching improves the whole nourishment process of your plant by holding moisture and preventing weeds. However, some landscapers seem afraid of using the right element for mulching. Hay turns out to be a better mulch if it’s free from seeds and of … Read more

How to Take Care of Your Garden Plants in Summer

How to Protect & Take Care of Your Garden in Harsh Summer

Summers are exciting and bright despite its scorching heat. This single season could reward us with many succulent summer fruits as well as veggies. However, the burning harshness, especially from mid-April to early June, is probably the more dangerous period of summer. And we have to protect our lovely garden from the grasp of fetal … Read more