Why My Pothos Has Brown Spots & Brown Leaves?

Reasons and Ways to Fix Brown Spots on Pothos Devils Ivy

Pothos plants could have several issues due to the misconduct in their caring regimen. However, what commonest problem they often face in their entire growing session is discolored leaves. Reasons for Pothos Brown Spots and Browning Leaves: Overwatering, whole-day bright direct sunlight exposure, infected roots, humidity, fungal attack, and Overfertilization. Fixing these would help your … Read more

Why My Dracaena Fragrans is Dying: Reasons & Fix (Part 2)

Reasons for Root Rot on My Dracaena Plant - How to Fix

Dracaena plant is a succulent shrub that has been popular as a houseplant due to its exclusive appearance. It belongs to the Asparagaceae family and is highly appreciated for its growing flexibility. Quick Tip: A soft mushy stem accompanied by brown/ yellow soft leaves means you have overwatered your dracaena. Also underwatering, scorching sun, and … Read more