Make My Peace Lily Bushy & Happy: Bigger & Clean Shiny Leaves

Make your peace lily leaves grow big and clean for shiny leaves

Some selective species of Spathiphyllum are commonly known as a peace lilies. This perennial ornamental plant holds a pleasing appearance. Thus, it grew as one of the favorite houseplants around the world. A peace lily plant can live up to five years with proper care. However, unfortunately, some deceptive caring routines can’t make that lifespan … Read more

My Peace Lily Has Green Flowers: Reasons & Fix

My peace lily plant flower turns green reasons and how to fix

Why is Peace Lily Flowers Green? The flowers of a peace lily plant grow with a single white or cream-colored petal or spathe. This long and single spathe clusters around the stem consist of a spadix. This part is botanically called inflorescence, which unfurls after reaching its fully mature form. Sometimes, this spathe turns green … Read more