Make Soil More Acidic: 8 Ways To Lower pH (Add these)

Some plants thrive more excitingly in high-acidic soil, as well all know. There are some other benefits as well that we can have during the gardening experience after acidifying the garden soil a bit more.

Lower your soil pH and make it more acidic:

  • Test your soil pH
  • Use Sulphur
  • Leaf mold (rotten leaves)
  • Use Compost to neutralize
  • Do Mulching (pine, cottonseed, ..)
  • Spread coffee grounds
  • Homemade Spray
  • Kitchen wastes to lower pH
  • Peat moss (not that good)

It is not like acidic soil is the best option for gardening. But to get a perfect pH level, sometimes, we have to raise the acidic level of our garden beds.

So, today, we are going to instruct you with the most inexpensive methods of how to acidify the plantation soil quickly like a pro. Let’s learn these 8 tricks and amend your garden soil perfectly acidic with a balanced pH level-

What to Add to Make Soil More Acidic: For Acid Loving Plants

Lower pH - How to make your soil more acidic

Test your soil pH

Be certain about your garden soil, before applying any of these methods to test your soil. Because it will help you to decide how much acidic your garden soil needs to be.

You will also be able to resolve the issue about how long you want to make your garden soil high in acidic levels. The intensity of your method will always depend on that, you know!

Test the pH level with a testing kit, and if the pH level is more than 6.9, you must apply some methods to balance the level and make soil acidic immediately. Once you are conversant, pick any of these below-mentioned methods to acidify your garden soil rapidly and easily like an expert gardener-

If you are looking for ways to increase soil pH check Acidic to alkaline soil – how to make your soil alkaline.

  1. Allow Leaf-Mold (Rotten Leaves):

Leaf-mold is another smart option to use in your garden that can acidify the soil naturally. Leaf mold is a process, where we use decomposed leaves to mulch the planting soil perfectly. You need to make a proper mix of some water-retaining leaves along with humus to decompose them easily.

Always use shredded leaves for this method, as they break down more quickly in the compost pile. Pine or maple leaves are the best option for such purposes to prepare to leave mold in your garden, which can lower the pH level and acidify the soil innately.

  1. Apply Peat Moss:

Applying peat moss to your garden soil is another way to increase the acidic level and bring the pH down of your planting soil.

As this component comes in granulated form, peat moss combines in the planting soil more effortlessly too. To apply this method, follow these steps below-

  • Spared peat moss in 2-3 inches layer in your garden first
  • Then, combine it with the top layer of your planting soil
  • Now, make sure it spread at least 6-12 inches deep into the planting soil evenly
  • To mix peat moss in a planter or raised bed, sprinkle the materials 1/3-2/3 ratio
  • Finally, combine it well into the potting mix, before the plantation.

Though this can help you to increase the acidic level in your soil, choose this one as a last resort. As this method is not eco-friendly.

  1. Apply Sulfur:

Sulfate or sulfur materials can help you immensely in the attempt of raising soil acidic levels naturally. You need to pick the right alternatives of sulfur and then combine them into your planting soil directly.

Always apply water after sprinkling sulfate or any sulfur-rich ingredient. It will help your garden soil to adapt to the goodness of amendment more rapidly. Some useful substitutes you can use here, are-

  • Raw sulfur
  • Calcium sulfate
  • Elemental sulfur
  • Bentonite sulfur
  • Sulfur bentonite
  • And S-coated fertilizer
  1. Add Mulch:

Mulching not only helps to retain moisture in your garden soil, but sometimes, it helps to lower the pH level naturally. If you pick some specific mulching options, it will reduce soil erosion and regulate soil temperature too.

During these processes, mulching can help to raise the acidic level of your planting soil as well. Use organic matter to mulch the soil to get this benefit of escalating soil acidity naturally. Some useful mulching options in this regard, are-

If you are also looking for options on garden mulching material – check out hay and straw as mulch.

  1. Amend with Compost Materials:

Using compost material would be another brilliant step you can take here. Use well-rotted or decomposed compost to bring the alkaline levels down.

Compost, especially which are rich in organic matter, lowers the pH level of garden soil expertly. This process may take a longer period to work, but the advantages are totally worth it. Compost will add good micro-organisms to your planting soil and improve the overall structure of the soil gradually, along with increasing acidic levels.

Note: Mushroom compost won’t suit your garden if you prefer acidic soil as it is alkaline in nature.

  1. Spread Coffee Ground:

Coffee grounds are one highly beneficial component to make your gardening experience easier. You can use this material here also, to lower the soil pH and make soil friendly for acid-loving plants. To try this method, follow the steps below-

  • Take some coffee grounds (also compost of tossed coffee grounds), depending on the amount and nature of your plantation soil (clay or normal)
  • Now, simply spread them over the top layer of the soil
  • For potted plants, sprinkle the coffee grounds directly into the potting mix
  • Wait for a couple of days, until they will break down into the gardening soil
  • Finally, check the pH once and you will find a raised acidic level in your soil
  1. Utilize Kitchen Wastes and Apply Homemade Acidifying Spray:

Applying some homely techniques to acidify your garden soil can give you a faster process than other methods. These tricks must not provide a longer effect, but they always work more quickly than other natural methods. Some convenient typical methods using home ingredients are-

  • Apply compost tea
  • Apply homemade vinegar mix (combine 1 cup of ACV I 1 gallon of water)
  • Try lemon juice (mix in 1:3 ratio with water)
  1. Use Acidic Fertilizers:

Using some acid fertilizers would be a smart idea indeed. This trick will help you to nutrify your plants and balance the pH level together. Try this step at the beginning of your plantation, while preparing the planting soil. You can try any water-soluble fertilizer here. Some of the pickable options are-

  • Miracid
  • Humic acid
  • NPK water-soluble fertilizer, etc.

Plants That Love Acidic Soil:

  • Camellias
  • Caladium
  • Magnolias
  • Peppers
  • Squash
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Cranberry
  • Blueberry
  • Hydrangea

Try to propagate some useful plants in your yard that force to increase the acidic level of your planting soil effectively. Planting acid-loving plants in your garden usually force you to maintain a lower pH level with high acidic content. Such plants usually love a pH level between 6.0-6.9/7.0. These plants not only compel you to raise the acidic level but also, help to keep the pH level lower of your planting soil consistently for a certain while.

FAQ: Making your Soil Acidic

Why Do We Need to Make Soil Acidic?

Acidic soil always provides extra health or growth to the plants than high alkaline soil, as they grab and release adequate nutrients to the roots more effortlessly. It also affects soil fertility and encourages microbiological activity in the soil.

What If Planting Soil Turns Low in Acid level?

Soil with low acidic quality can affect the overall growth of a plant badly. When soil is more alkaline than the normal level, the root of a plant can’t drink the adequate nutrients from the applied fertilizer. This will optimize the growth gradually and hamper your gardening experience severely.

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