Natural Ways to Add Nitrogen to Your Soil

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Nitrogen is the basic building block and most important nutrient for a healthy plant's photosynthesis and growth


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Deficiency Symptoms

1. Your plant leaves turn old faster 2. Pale to yellowish leaves (Chlorosis) 3. Stunted and slow growth 4. Relatively smaller flowers and fruits 5. Legumes and clover growth indicate low nitrogen levels in your soil

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Reasons for Low N

1. Heavy rain may wash away the nitrogen 2. Frequent harvest of the same kind of plants 3. Nitrogen hungry ornamental plants eat up faster 4. Less maintenance without replenishing after a harvest 5. Less organic matter

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How PLants Get Nitrogen?


The nitrogen available in the atmosphere is not directly accessible/available to plants. While decaying organic matter, animals, and fertilizers add nitrogen to the soil

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Ways to Add Nitrogen to Soil


– Add mowed grass clippings – Add compost – Sprinkle alfalfa meal – Grow nitrogen-fixing cover crops – Use aged poultry or livestock manure Use fish emulsion