Happy Desk: 12 Best Keep Calm Plants for Your Office

Like our houses, even the office interior should be decorated with some useful objects. What would be more delightful than a beautiful houseplant on your desk or corner of the cabin?

A beautiful and growing houseplant in an office room can peak your mood, inspire you for everyday work, and clean up the air of your room naturally.

Thus, here we come up with the 12 office plant options for you in this regard, which could be the most outstanding choice for many office workers out there-

Why You Need Plants In Your Office (Benefits)

Apart from cleaning the impurities and improving air quality, Plants help to increase your creativity and boost productivity. It helps to reduce stress levels and gets your focus back, while it also makes your workspace attractive and keeps you going.

12 Best Office Plants for Your Desk Reduce Stress and Increase Focus

12 Best Plants for Your Office Desk

  1. African Violet:

African violet is the best choice for a beautiful flowering plant. It can’t thrive more than 5-6 inches and thus, suits best in an office circumstance.

African Violets Propagation Steps

  • Soil: It prefers well-drained and loose soil amended with a normal potting mix
  • Water: Water the plant once a week and let the soil dry between watering
  • Fertilizer: Any all-purpose fertilizer in a diluted form with a 14-12-14 NPK ratio
  • Sun Exposure: Bright light through the sun with partial shade
  • Climate: Warm temperature between 60° F to 75 F with moderate humidity
  1. Philodendron:

A philodendron is a great choice for an office interior due to its restricted growth and elegant green foliage in the heart shape.

Soil: It claims soil that is rich in organic matter and loose enough to drain excellently

Water: Twice every week, especially during summer and spring, otherwise once every 10 days

Fertilizer: Any balanced fertilizer in a granulated form in a 20-20-20 ratio

Sun Exposure: Sun with partial shade

Climate: High humidity with a warm temperature, that must be above 55° F and below 80° F

  1. ZZ Plant:

How to take care of zz plant yellowing leaves causes and fix

It is a brilliant choice for an office room due to its super catchy appearance. The oval-shaped feather-like leaves give this plant an unforgettable peek.

Soil: Well-drained soil that is amended with an averagely rich potting mix

Water: Water the plant every 1-2 weeks to keep the soil moist but not soggy

Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month with a properly balanced diluted fertilizer with half of the strength

Sun Exposure: It needs the sun with partial shade for the bright but indirect light source

Climate: Keep the temperature always high between 65° to 85° F with a heavy high humidity level

Office plants for desk to purify air and increase productivity

  1. Pothos:

Make Pothos / Devils ivy plant grow faster without yellowing leaves

Pothos aka Devil’s ivy is a wonderful choice for an office environment if you can maintain a vining plant. Its thick and wide leaves appear striking with the unique color strategy on the green surface.

Soil: A well-draining potting mix prepared with lava rock or perlite

Water: Water it once every week and let the 1-inch of topsoil dry between watering

Fertilizer: Any all-purpose liquid plant food in a 20-20-20 NPK ratio

Sun Exposure: Sun with partial to full shade to provide bright to medium light

Climate: Warm temperature about 65° to 85° F with a normal humidity level

  1. Snake Plant:

Snake Plant Complete Care - Soil Watering Sunlight Needs and Humidity

It is one of the most easy-to-care houseplants to have for your office interior. The sleek sword-like leaves of this plant provide it with a classy appearance. The mottled designs with light and deep green shades enhance the overall look of the plant spectacularly.

Soil: This plant wants sandy, well-drained soil with slightly acidic quality

Water: Once every 7-10 days and let the soil soaked a little between watering

Fertilizer: Fertilize with balanced liquid fertilizer or a mild cactus mix in a proper NPK ratio

Sun Exposure: Sun with partial to full shade

Climate: A highly warm temperature between 70° to 90° F with a high humidity level

  1. Aloe Vera:

Yellowing leaves of aloe vera wobbly aloe vera complete plant care

It is one of the best succulents to grow in an office area. Aloe vera plant holds a classy glance and claims mere attention to thrive well. Besides, you can have plenty of other health benefits from growing the aloe vera plant.

Soil: It prefers Sandy soil with a well-drained quality and pH balance between 7.0-8.0

Water: Aloe vera plants need deep but infrequent water, try the once in every 7-10 days method

Fertilizer: It is a low-feeder, thus, fertilization once in a year with any normal fertilizer is enough

Sun Exposure: Sun with partial shade

Climate: It needs a moderately warm temperature between 55° to 85° with an average humidity

  1. English Ivy:

Take care of English Ivy Soil and how often to water

Indoor Ivy or English ivy is a great choice to place in your office room to peak its classiness naturally. It is a vining plant that has a super-easy-to-maintain quality, apart from its catchy resemblance.

Soil: Fully fertile and averagely moist loamy soil with well-drained quality

Water: Let the top 25% of the soil dry between watering and try to water your Ivy plant once in 12 to 14 days

Fertilizer: Apply any all-purpose fertilizer twice a month in a diluted half-of-strength form

Sun Exposure: Sun with partial shade for bright but indirect light

Climate: It is a hardy plant, and thus, can tolerate temperature fluctuation. Maintain a temperature anything between 45° to 85° F with a high humidity level

  1. Chinese Evergreen:

Our Garden Plant Aglaonema Drooping Leaves and Dying Plant Care

This is a bushy plant that grows widthwise rather than lengthwise. If you have a wide space in your desk or corner of your office cabin, then go for this one. The pointy leaves with green shade give the plant a resemblance to a wide flower while growing widely.

Soil: It prefers slightly acidic and well-drained soil, amends with peat & sand

Water: Water deeply at about 1-inch depth when watering, but let the soil dry between watering

Fertilizer: Apply to feed your plant once or twice a year with any water-soluble fertilizer

Sun Exposure: Sun with partial to full shade to provide medium to low light condition

Climate: Maintain a temperature that is between 60° to 72° F and keep the humidity level up

  1. Peace Lily:

Not flowering peace lily blooming care part 2

Grow this plant for not only its super classy deep green gigantic foliage but the elegant flowers. It can beautify the whole appearance of your office with its single presence. Keep the plant safe from attacks of pests or bugs to hold its shine properly.

Soil: It needs acidic, sandy-type soil that can drain excellently

Water: This plant prefers moist soil, thus water it once a week and let the soil dry completely between watering

Fertilizer: It needs regular fertilization for proper blooming. Feed it once a week during the peak months with a slow-release liquid fertilizer

Sun Exposure: Sun with partial to full shade for indirect light

Climate: Maintain the temperature between 65° to 85° F with a moderate humidity level

  1. Lucky Bamboo:

This is probably the best pick for an office interior. Lucky bamboo is a small-grown houseplant, that can thrive in the minutest pot effortlessly. You just need to tie the stalks of this pant tight with a ribbon to grab the best possible beauty from a living showpiece.

Soil: It needs loose soil with well-drained quality and acidic pH level

Water: Keep the soil consistently moist with regular watering. Water once in a week filtered water

Fertilizer: Any balanced liquid fertilizer, and apply one drop once a month in the water

Sun Exposure: partial to full shade sun for medium to low light expose

Climate: It can tolerate any raging temperature between 65° to 90° F with a high humidity


  1. Fittonia/ Nerve Plant:

How to Take Care of Fittonia - Nerve Plant Care Quick Tips

Fittonia is a bushy shrub that can look amazing in a decorative office area, while fully grown in a wide planter. This plant thrives best on the whole sow in a pot wide open. White veins over deep green foliage provide this plant an undeniable tropical glance.

Soil: Prepare the soil with standard potting mix, perlite, and peat moss to maintain the loose and well-drained quality

Water: Water once every 2 weeks to keep the soil evenly moist but save from being waterlogged

Fertilizer: Feed your plant with any balanced liquid fertilizer once a week in a 5-5-5 ratio

Sun Exposure: Sun with partial to full shade for indirect light

Climate: It prefers high humidity with moderately warm temperatures between 65° to 85° F

  1. Monstera:

Monstera Deliciosa_Hemionitis Arifolia_String of Hearts Plants with Heart Shaped Leaves

This is one more dazzling houseplant option to brighten up your office environment naturally. The unique large foliage plant with a splitting design in heart-shaped leaves can add a fascinating peek to your office room.

Soil: A soil mix that is prepared with lava rock and perlite for well-drained quality

Water: Once every 1-2 weeks to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged

Fertilizer: Feed your monstera plant with a high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer in a 3-1-2 NPK ratio

Sun Exposure: Sun with full to partial shade for low-indirect light

Climate: Provide your plant with a high humidity level with a warm temperature between 65° to 85° F.

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